Name : Ali Jafri
JobTitle : Country Head Pakistan
Organization : YP2G
Program : Breakfast@home
Channel: PTV Home
Host : Mr. Tauseeq Haider
Guest: Mr. Ali Jafri Country Head YP2G
Ali Jafri spoke about the need among youth to remain focused in life to genuinely make an effort to develop the positive attitude.
In context to Pakistan's employment and corporate world's feedback, it's clearly stated that 77 percent of employers in Pakistan are not happy with the quality of graduates who are coming out in large numbers every year -- approximately around half a million (0.5M) and they are competing with each other to fill only 50,000 available jobs in the market on yearly basis. This adds on to an existing pressure on graduates and students to be the best they can be. As employers are not looking for qualification as the only criterion to recruit; hence it becomes absolutely imperative for students to develop their soft skills.
YP2G helps them to develop 10 soft skills which is globally identified by STEM and the whole process of going through interactive courses on YP2G is bound to give you the required swing to transform your negative bias in favor to positive bias enabling you to react more positively with a strong emotional competence to become a ready workforce.