Have you a passion to help young people be the best they can be?
Want to be a YP2G Ambassador?
YP2G Global/Country Ambassadors
Global and Country Ambassadors have a passion to help young people grow.
an enthusiastic, outgoing individual
a large network
a considerable social media presence
familiar with, endorses and promotes YP2G
assist in content creation (ie. writing blogs, newsletters etc.)
Participating in event marketing
generating awareness through word-of-mouth and personal social media marketing
be an opinion leader in his/her community
provide feedback and insight where possible
What Do Brand Ambassadors Do?
As a YP2G Ambassador, you simply connect people to the product.
The power of suggestion is an incredible thing but some suggestions we take more seriously than others. 83% of people are more convinced by the recommendations made to them by those they know and trust over recommendations made via traditional advertising, according to Nielsen's 2015 Global Trust in Advertising Report.
Trust and credibility are therefore decisive in being an outstanding Ambassador.
Ambassadors should anticipate face-to-face interactions being a major part of the job. Whether at a formal event, or just talking to someone in the grocery store or coffee shop is an opportunity to engage.
It is critical for an ambassador to have a professional presence in person and online.
Ambassador Rewards
Apart from knowing you are helping build a better community, you will earn an income from being an Ambassador:
We provide you a unique reference that you use to promote YP2G
Referrals earn you an income:
Individual sign-ups - 10% of the registration fee
Multiple signups for Organisations, Groups, Sponsorship or CSR opportunities are by negotiation.