Your Passport 2 Grow (YP2G)

Learning Re-Imagined!

Your Passport 2 Grow — changing the lives of young people


  1. Purpose: to help young people develop the right attitude and skills to improve their employability.
  2. What skills? There are two types of skills employers want
    1. knowledge, your technical expertise
    2. soft skills, how you operate, your attitudes and behaviours
  3. With years of experience helping young people, YP2G is uniquely designed to help you develop these important soft skills. And what's more these are not just work related skills, they are skills for life!
  4. We help you understand yourself, who you are and how you do things. When you know who you are you're in a great place to know what you need to do to be a Can-Do person, the person that employers really want.
  5. When you start our process, you will quickly realise that not only don't employers want Can't-Do and Won't-Do people, you won't want to be that person either! Having a Can-Do attitude is so much more fun and exciting and it's where successful people operate.
  6. Why YP2G? There is a global problem that needs fixing. Young people gain some of these skills and academic qualifications from the education system, however many employability skills are not taught or developed. You may have had years of training doing Maths but how many of you have had lessons every week on Communication, Teamwork, Negotiation? So YP2G will help you identify what's needed and take you on a journey of improvement. Why improvement? That's easy, because you already do all of these skills in everyday life — we'll show you how to do them better.

How YP2G helps: A digital, user-friendly solution for the student or any job seeker that:

  • ✓ Creates and stores a personal profile, including academic and personal achievements
  • ✓ Identifies skills and skills gaps and how to close the gaps
  • ✓ Assesses current abilities by the "Ten Skills Quiz". Generated from researched based scenarios and in a consequences format that supplements the Ten Soft Skills from STEM(STEAM) Research methodology. Each of the "Ten Skills Quiz" is followed by development activities.
  • ✓ Develops personal 'Can-Do' attitudes and reduces Behavioural Waste (tm) – "The Brand of Me – Mindfit Mindset"
  • ✓ Develops business acumen by the "3 Keys to Success" – Mindfit Mindset, Money Management, Marketing Mastery
  • ✓ Helps you create a better CV and develop the best interview techniques.
  • ✓ Creates a membership network of support, networking and mentoring.

By using digital solutions we will help facilitate employers to get the best people available as they'll be able to view the complete applicant profile, their abilities in the form of assessed skill sets, achievements and attitude rather than only looking into a one dimensional CV of an applicant.

Neville's Corner - Interviews with renowned industry experts

Featured Interview

An exclusive interview with Mr. Neville Gaunt, Chairman YP2G and CEO MindFit Ltd. UK on PTV World (Pakistan)

Neville Gaunt
Chairman, YP2G

Jump Start

Alliance Partner

Quote Of The Day

Ability is what you are Capable of Doing
Motivation determines what you Do
ATTITUDE determines How Well You Do It
Business Advice

Business Advice

Business is Simple, It's People that Make it Complicated!
In this section, YP2G will take you on a simple journey of discovery and gives you the facts about employment and business that are important. You then have a choice to build your future on a firm foundation.



STEM(STEAM) is the soft skill quiz that tests your personal development. It helps you understand the importance of the top 10 soft skills employers want. We also set you personal tasks (from E-Learning to E-Doing) where you can make small improvements that make a big impact in your life. STEM(STEAM) has years of research from international organisations from all sectors.

Brand Of Me

Brand Of Me

If there was a course that should be on the education curriculum, this is it! YP2G has a developed this online programme based on workshops that have had highly successful outcomes in schools and higher education. In here you will experience why our founder says "Commitment is an on/off switch, not a dimmer. You're either 100% committed or don't bother!"



The overall purpose of YP2G is help you be the best you can be, and get the best out of your life. As you progress through each section you will be improving your Curriculum Vitae — your Resume — the document every employer will see. This is your personal space where you can hold all the important history employers will want to know including Academic results, letters of recommendation/achievement and your experience through YP2G. We know it's the Passport for your success.


Employability Skills can be defined as the transferable skills needed by an individual to make them 'employable'. Along with good technical understanding and subject knowledge, employers often outline a set of skills that they want from an employee. These skills are what they believe will equip the employee to carry out their role to the best of their ability. Employability depends on your knowledge, skills and attitudes, how you use those assets, and how you present them to employers.

At YP2G, we have taken Top 10 identified Employability Skills, researched by STEMNET (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Network) which confirms what employers look for in potential employees — that means you!

In this section we take you through different scenarios related to these 10 skill sets and present the consequence based on your given answers to further deal with a subsequent scenario. The journey of going through these scenario based assessments would itself be a learning process to ultimately give you the required paradigm towards building a right attitude!

Our Consultants

Linda Chaousis
Linda Chaousis
Carnegie Mellon University
Prof. Paul Baines
Prof. Paul Baines
Cranfield University, UK
Paul  Steel
Paul Steel
Total Quality Inc. (TQI)
Jim  Pancero
Jim Pancero
Jim Pancero, Inc.

Alumni Testimonials